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Due to the overwhelming amount of positive responses, we're extending the deadline for video submissions to May 15th. 



Dear Musicians of the World,


We are a crew of Los Angeles-based documentary filmmakers who are capturing renowned trumpet player Ryan Anthony and his 8-year battle against terminal cancer. A huge part of Ryan’s story is how he took the piece “Song Of Hope” by Peter Meechan and used it in his fight. It has since become an anthem of strength, togetherness and hope that has been featured on concert programs around the world. 


Now, as Ryan receives his next round of radiation and prepares for yet another stem cell transplant, we are reaching out to as many musicians as possible, whatever the standard, to unite and perform the beautiful "Song Of Hope" alongside Ryan. We will then carefully stitch all of these videos together into one music video proving that in a world under crisis, we are together and when people need hope they can always turn to music.


  1. Pick which part you want to perform from the "Music Parts" section below.
    **The PDF music is only for use in this project and can not be reused or replicated for any other purpose**

  2. Record a video of yourself playing "Song of Hope".
    (Your video will be paired with Ryan's performance seen here which you can
           use to reference: )


  3. Sign the digital waiver form above.
    **This must be completed in order for your video to be included in the final piece**

  4. Submit your video in one of the following ways by May 15th, 2020:

    Click the "SUBMIT VIDEO" button at the top of the page to drag/drop your video file. 
       **IMPORTANT** Be sure to use the following naming format to label your video file before you upload:
          Name_Company/Organization/Band/School_Instrument_Location_WorldBandSubmission.[file extension]

    ** Due to high traffic, some people are experiencing issues when uploading to the "SUBMIT VIDEO" link above. If this includes you, please send your video via DROPBOX or WeTransfer to the address mentioned below. **

        - Send your video to this Email address
       **IMPORTANT** Be sure to use the following format as your email subject line:
          “[Name] - [Company/Organization/Band/School] - [instrument] - [Location] - World Band Video Submission”
                  example: JohnSmith - UniversityofTexas - Trumpet - 
    Austin, TX - World Band Submission

Please note, by submitting a video, you grant permission for your likeness to be used in the "Song of Hope World Band Music Video"as well as the potential to be used in the upcoming Song For Hope LLC documentary film. You understand that your image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein your likeness appears. Additionally, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of your image or recording. If submitting for a group and/or organization, you are granting permission on behalf of everyone included in the video.

Note from the Composer...

“We want this project to be as inclusive as possible - unity, togetherness, collaboration, and - of course - hope are our goals. The "perfect" take doesn't exist - and so we encourage you, more than anything else, to find joy and hope through your performance - participation is what counts!” - Peter Meechan



To further encourage players of all backgrounds and abilities we have included parts that are accessible to a whole range of playing experience:


  • e.g. "Flute 4" would be more accessible for less experienced players than "Flute 1". 

  • We have also included parts with alternative clef and transpositions (Horns in Eb, Trombones and Euphonium in Bb, as well as Tubas in Eb and Bb).

Thanks for reading this and we truly hope that you join our video to unite in music and give hope to everyone who sees it.



Flute & Oboe

**The PDF music is only for use in this project and can not be reused or replicated for any other purpose**

© 2024 by Song for Hope, LLC

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