marketing strategy
This film is about music. It’s soundtrack is going to be fully orchestrated by composers who were closely associated with Ryan and wrote music for him for many years of his life, Tony DiLorenzo and Pete Meechan.
With CancerBlows being renowned for their musical events we can think of nowhere better to share this film than showing it accompanied by a live orchestra. This type of evening has proved extremely successful becoming immensely popular for the top orchestras in concert halls from the Sydney Opera House to The Royal Albert Hall and the Hollywood Bowl. “Cancer Blows” movie and music events could become a regular feature at concert halls, raising money and awareness for the charity and helping Ryan’s song to continue to be heard far and wide.
Throughout filming Ryan shared so much of his journey on the film with his legion of followers on social media through his private page, his fan pages, foundation’s pages and the much-followed CancerBlows page leading to huge anticipation for the film’s release. Our trailers will be shared on all of the platforms to increase the reach of the film.
Moreover, during filming we were part of putting together the world band project that Ryan organized while undergoing his fifth stem cell transplant which brought thousands of entries from all across the world. This, coupled with Cancer Blows mailing list has given us a huge audience with whom to share information about the film and generate excitement for its release.
Thanks to Ryan, our film has attracted the attention of several major music magazines, both online and in print who have an outreach across every continent.